Quick Evening Snack Story (Lunch+Dinner = Linner!.? IDK.!)

Hello There.! How are you doing? Had a good day I hope.!  I have a story for you I hope you enjoy it. One Day I was really hungry and it was past the tea time and an hour or two before dinner time so I decided to cook up something quick and easy and yummyContinue reading “Quick Evening Snack Story (Lunch+Dinner = Linner!.? IDK.!)”

Mango drinks(at least one of them is!)

Hello there! How are you doing?? Having a good day? So in today’s post I’ll share two versions of mango that I love and enjoy the most in summer. Aam Panna: Ingredients: Raw mango 250 grm Jaggery (add double of the raw mango pulp we’ll get after boiling it) 100 gr, Roasted cumin powder 1/2Continue reading “Mango drinks(at least one of them is!)”

Dahi Vada Chaat Recipe

Hello there! It’s finally here. The recipe.! Sorry it took quite long. But now I’ve done it. If you try it do share with me. PHUDINA CHUTNEY Phudina leaves (Mint) 100g 50g coriender 3 green chilly salt lemon juice water HOW TO: mix all the ingredients in food processor and add in little water andContinue reading “Dahi Vada Chaat Recipe”